Friday, June 10, 2011

Manta Ray Evolution

The ideas surrounding the evolution process for the Manta Ray is fascinating. It is believed that earlier species of this animal did have a stinger as their distant cousin the Sting Ray does. Yet they really didn’t need protection from predators due to their enormous size. It is also believed by many that the Manta Ray did actually evolve from the Sting Ray. However, not all experts that have studied their history are firm believers in that idea.
There is evidence to verify that the early Manta Ray was flat as it is now. This isn’t a part of their anatomy that evolved. Some believe that they were once a species of shark that took on a flat appearance to blend in well with the bottom of the water. DNA testing though has ruled this out though but they are believed to be related to the shark family in a variety of ways.
There is evidence to suggest that the Manta Ray used to be a bottom feeder in the waters. However, as they evolved they became known as filter feeders. It is this very change in feeding habits that allowed it to grow to the large proportions that we see and how it as today. In order for such feeding habits to occur though they also had to evolve in the design of their teeth.
What is very interesting is that they don’t use their teeth to eat. What many researchers believe is that they did use them millions of years ago to consume food. As time went on though their feeding habits had to change in order for them to survive. This is why they now have the gills on the sides of their head. It allows them to filter out the water that they take in. At the same time they are able to get the most food sources as they move along the water taking in all they can.
Due to the fact that the Manta Ray moves with the water with the pectoral fins flapping, it leads to the conclusion that they are some how related to early forms of birds. They may have once been both water and land creatures that evolved to only live in the water millions of years ago. The wings that used to give them flight though evolved to allow them to easily move through the water.
There is simply still so much that we don’t know about the current lives of the Manta Ray. As a result the research that does take place tends to focus on learning more about them right now. However, hopefully as more fossils are found and new technology we will also learn more about how they evolved. It is going to take time though and that is often where we come very impatient.
Many researchers believe that the Manta Ray is one species of aquatic life that will continue to evolve well. They have already shown us that they can live in a variety of locations as long as the water is warm enough and they have sufficient food. The biggest threat to their survival though is the fact that humans continue to take away their natural environment and they continue to pollute the waters.
There is a great deal of theory and speculation about how the Manta Ray evolved. Not everyone is in agreement about it though which is part of the fascination with finding out more. Only time will be able to put these various theories to the test and to show us once and for all what that process consisted of.

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